
Essential Oils for Your Immune System

  • by Deb Reis
  • 4 Years ago
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Essential Oils for Your Immune System

Essential oils contain constituents that are antimicrobial and may be able to help us to keep our immune system healthy and in balance.

Essential oils are very popular and used from perfume to wellness.  Essential oils of genuine quality contain naturally occurring constituents that are antimicrobial in their actions.  This can be beneficial for our health and well-being especially keeping our immune system in balance.  This antimicrobial activity can prevent or reduce symptoms of colds and flu conditions.

These essential oils are known for their antimicrobial actions:

  1. Tea Tree Oil – is known as a “fighter oil” and helpful for immune defense. If I feel symptoms of a cold, I will inhale my tea tree oil or dilute in a little olive oil and place topically over my neck and lymph nodes.
  2. Eucalyptus Oil – supports immune stimulation and especially effective for cold virus. Great to diffuse or combine with another oil and use in an inhaler.  Known to help clear sinusitis, stuffy nose and reduce coughs.
  3. Lemon Oil – great aroma and has antioxidant properties which can promote immune health. If your lemon oil is approved as a dietary supplement, consider using a drop in your tea or smoothie.  Great to soothe a sore throat.
  4. Clove Oil – has been studied for positive benefits against respiratory conditions and also as a pain reliever. Blends great with Lemon and/or Eucalyptus to diffuse and keep your environment clean.

During the COVID 19 crisis, essential oils became important as a supportive therapy for our staff in our center to provide relaxation and energy renewal.  Constant changes within our clinical setting related to COVID was creating stress with healthcare workers.  Essential oils became one tool that we used to assist staff to maintain balance.  Placing essential oil(s) on a tissue and breathing in through the mask or placing the tissue in a shirt pocket were often utilized by staff through the day.

The essential oils mentioned above are a few examples that you can use quickly and easily to keep your immune system strong and in balance.  There is no evidence yet that any of these oils can eliminate conditions but they may prevent a condition occurrence and/or reduce symptom severity.

I share more in my STEP membership program including how to create your own essential oil products.  STEP provides tips that you can use for stress relief and balance in 5 minutes or less.  For more information, connect using the link below.

The Supportive Therapy Engagement Program (STEP)


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