
Essential Oils – Amp Up Your Chakra Healing

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Chakra Healing

Everything alive pulsates with energy.  This includes humans, animals, plants and our essential oils.  Essential oils are essential because the plant does not survive without it.  It carries nutrients and provides protection to the plant.  However, most essential oils are adulterated or fabricated.  When this occurs, their frequency or healing properties are altered or negated.  So, it is important to know your source and that it is genuine quality.

In my article last month, I described the 7 major centers or chakras that make up our energy system.  Each chakra has a focus or meaning as well as a color.

Genuine essential oils can be used to enhance the frequency and balance of our energy system.  The following are examples of essential oils that can be used for each chakra:

The Root Center located at the base of the body is about being grounded and connected.  Consider using Cedarwood oil on the soles of your feet to bring balance and connection.

Next, the Sacral Center located below the naval is about creativity.  Orange oil can be applied on the lower belly for relaxation or inhaled to enhance creativity.

The Solar Plexus Center is at the upper abdomen and correlates with our ego and in the area of digestion.  Use peppermint oil which is known to calm an upset system.

The Heart Center is in the middle of the sternum or breast bone and is about love and relationships.  Ylang Ylang essential oil is about the balance of masculine and feminine energies within our body.  Inhale or place it over your heart center.

The Throat Center at the base of the neck is about speaking your truth.  Check out Eucalyptus blue.  Perhaps inhale or diffuse for balance.

The Brow Center is located in the middle of the forehead and is about our calling or path in life.  Inhale Lemon oil to bring clarity and focus of your direction.

The Crown Center is located at the top of the head and is about your connection to your Higher Source.  Inhale or bless yourself with Frankincense essential oil known for its spiritual uplifting qualities.

Check out my website for more information.

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