
Employee Engagement – When You See Something, Say Something

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Employee Engagement

You know the old saying, “When you assume, you make an a$$ out of you and me, right? Just as you don’t want to take the people in your personal life for granted, it’s equally important to express appreciation to the people with whom you work.

Many times, we assume that our co-workers realize how much we admire, like and trust them. Maybe you find yourself in a comfort mode where you either forget to say anything beyond “thank you” or you feel silly sharing positive feedback because “that’s not the way we do things around here.” It’s time to change that.

When you see something, say something!

Here’s a great example of what happens when you notice the excellent works of others: While conducting a program at a construction company, I was warned to stay away from the “touchy-feeling” stuff. For the most part, I did. However, towards the end of the program, I thought it would be cool for the guys to get up and thank each other because chances are, they never did. You should have seen their reaction – magic!

Big, tough, burly construction guys and gals started smiling, shaking hands, laughing, and high-fiving each other. Some of them had worked together for thirty years and had never really let their colleagues know how much they enjoyed working with them. You could literally feel the energy in the room shift to a much more positive atmosphere.

Then, when the employees were finished talking, the owner of the company picked up the microphone and said, “I know that I can be difficult to work for. I’m just so focused on keeping you guys safe, that I don’t always remember to let you know the good things. So, I want to tell you – you’re my family. You’re the people who make this company successful, and I appreciate all that you do for us.”

You could have heard a pin drop. The owner created a moment that will live with his workers for a long time. Start looking for ways to encourage your team to acknowledge and show appreciation to each other. Over time, you’ll change your culture!

Here are three ideas to improve engagement through positive interactions:

  1. Start first. Model the behavior that you want to see in your team members. Catch your employees doing the right thing and be specific in your acknowledgment.
  2. Share often. Begin your staff meetings by having employees share positive interactions they have had with each other – the more specific, the better.
  3. Explore options. Implement a peer-to-peer recognition program. There are many online and offline options available. Find one that works for you.

Remember, culture change doesn’t happen overnight. Give whatever program you implement enough time to let employees know that this is not just another “flavor of the week.”

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