
Easily Build Your Confidence From Within

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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Easily Build Your Confidence From Within

Here we are, approaching the last quarter of the year!  I know right, another year flying by, only this one is one for the record books!  What’s changed for you, what hasn’t, what’s worked and where is your confidence level in all this change?

Are you ready to slam the approaching 4th quarter with a fresh new perspective?  How would you feel if when you got to the end of this year, despite economic circumstances, you had a transformation that exudes joy, love, peace and confidence?  No, I’m not talking about winning the lottery, losing weight, being retired, or whatever other event might have come to mind.  I’m talking about learning how your style exudes your inner beauty both in person and virtually!

Whether you realize it or not, your energy shows up first. It has an effect. I’m talking about being comfortable in your own skin.  Looking and feeling fabulous no matter your size, shape or age, in person or on camera!

If you’re like most of my clients, hiding in your closet are years of purchases, gifts and acquired items that are more like a hodgepodge of styles rather than those that represent your personal energy style.  Some you may not even like!  Have you always wanted a closet that created ease in your mornings and eliminated all that negative self-talk you have grown accustomed to starting your day with (you can change that)?  What if you only had the best pieces to choose from? What If you knew that every day, regardless of the scheduled events or how you are feeling, you could choose the perfect outfit with ease? What would your morning feel like then? What kind of mental shift would that make? The key to that kind of transformation starts on the inside first.

Discovering your LIFEStyle™ profile will help you get started. Why? Because it will help you gain the kind of confidence that keeps you feeling grateful rather than comparing.  It will help you understand and accept how you are wired which in turn creates the kind of confidence that projects poise and strength.  Life is full of stressors and triggers that can send us into old habits and patterns of thinking, but when we learn to focus on our gifts and inner beauty, we are equipped to make better choices.  We can begin to see the activities, people, styles, and communication that aligns with our innate energy. We are able to adjust to differences and change gracefully.  We gain more confidence the moment we begin to live congruent with our values.  With that comes an inner peace, joy and love for ourselves.

I would love to help you on your journey making this quarter less stressful, more exciting and peaceful!  You can start by taking my quiz to help discover your unique LIFEstyle™.  While you’re there send me a message, I would love to hear from you! Next have a cup of coffee with yourself and take inventory.  Finally, list three words that you want your energy to convey.

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