
You Are Your Personal Brand

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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You Are Your Personal Brand

When you think of your image, do you immediately think of words that describe your physical appearance? Perhaps the way you dress? Your body type? While it’s true that that people instinctively and subconsciously quickly form opinions about you based on your appearance, your image is much more than just your physical appearance! If you don’t develop your own personal brand, others will do it for you. Those who understand who they are, their gifts, talents, assets, and how others see them, can create and articulate their personal brand and use it for the best effect.

The key component to elevating your image is defining your LIFEStyle™ energy and projecting an image true to your authentic self. This is the first step to personal branding. Understanding your gifts, talents, motivations, strengths, values, limitations, communication style, natural body language are all a part of what makes you unique. The second step is about how others interpret these characteristics. “Personal branding is what people say about us when we leave the room,” says Dawn Bentley, Career Consultant. Whether you are moving up in your career path, preparing for the next big client meeting, entering a new job market or transitioning to a new season, you’ll want to brand yourself. How do you want others to perceive you? When your personal style is in sync with your authentic self, you radiate confidence. When you are working in the area of your giftedness, you experience ease and comfort. Others feel and see your comfort and confidence.

In addition to learning your LIFEStyle™ energy, one way to help you begin to define your personal style is thinking about your overall energy level. I’m not talking about when you are excited or when you have just worked a very long day, but rather your typical day, your norm. How would you describe it? High and bubbly, or low, softly flowing? Fast pace, moderate, slow or still? How do others see you? What kind of energy do you bring to the room? People tend to mirror us. However, if you want to really grow, ask others. What I’ve learned is that people are always willing to give you their opinion! It may or may not be what you think or what you want to hear. Feedback is always good, it’s what you choose to do with it that matters. Just remember, to choose wisely who you ask.

Another way to help grow your brand is to articulate an emotional appeal to your uniqueness. For example, if you are a very soft spoken, you might say you have a gentle spirit. Maybe you are compulsive about your work space, you might be an effective organizer.

Albert Einstein said that we cannot find a solution to problems with the same thinking that was used to create them. So I ask you, if this new awareness would allow you discover your inner beauty, shop with ease, build your confidence, allow your gifts to shine, enrich your relationships with understanding and potentially lead you to a life of passion and fulfillment; would you want to know more?

You can visit my website at www.uniquelyyourimage.com for a fun quiz to start your awareness about your LIFEStyle™ energy. Of course, I would love to help you with your personal style and branding, email lynnette@uniquelyyourimage.com for your free consultation.

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