
Dr. Heather McKinney’s Passion Is to Spread Oils and Joy

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Heather McKinney has spent her life seeking a healthy lifestyle for herself and then her family. Growing up with home cooked meals and playing outside, helped her to appreciate nature and natural health. However, in 2010 profound experiences with essential oils changed her life. Using the oils helped her in ways other natural health products had not. She noticed that as she began using essential oils in her personal life, she also started to see an impact in her professional life. With increased sleep, decreased stress, a healthier overall body, mind and emotions, she was able to stay focused and more productive at home and work.

The research she did for herself and her zest for learning ultimately has allowed her to build a career spreading oils and wellness to every person that is ready. She enjoys blending the science of essential oils with the art of sharing.

She knows what she is talking about. Her journey began, with combined college degrees in Business & Marketing, plus a PHD in Organizational Professional Development and Workplace Development.

On top of that, she studied Pre-Med and Personal Health Science at Penn State, before receiving her Doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy from Trinity School of Natural Health in 2012.

She is a wealth of knowledge for her clients.

Her Belief

“When people feel better, they are at peace, feel joy, and make better life decisions, both personally and professionally. Choices that have a huge impact on their lives, as well as, their family. “

Heather practices what she preaches at home. She and her husband, who is a Chiropractor, are raising their family based in the wholistic lifestyle. While pregnant she wrote this poem for her unborn child.

“God bless our hearts, heads, and hands.  

To feel good things with our hearts,  

To think good things with our heads, and  

To do good things with our hands. Amen.”   

Her son now knows it by heart and they sing it every day on the way to school, as well as, pray it before bed.

Plus, she expanded the poem to become a “Mission Statement” for her family.

Share from your heart: May you grow.

Attract those that connect and are committed to wellness. The ripples of this will be passed down for generations and make incredible shifts in humanity. Help and inspire people to live well.

Share with your head: May you shine.

Embrace opportunities for personal and professional development. Continually learn and shift into higher awareness. This is how change is being created in this world: One moment, one person, one drop at a time. It is purposeful and fulfilling to be a part of this movement. We learn this from every person with whom we connect.

Share with your hands: May you thrive.

Get out there and perform with persistence, passion and patience. Do the work and pay it forward to help others. You will receive tenfold in return. Be curious, jump in and get started. Stay humble, admit mistakes, and work together. The world needs you and is ready.

Spreading Oils and Joy 

Heather uses several media platforms to inform and reach as many people as possible to explain what a healthy lifestyle entails and how to achieve it.

She appears on a television show in central Pennsylvania about the importance and use of Essential Oils. She hosts, “Wellness Essentials,” on Elite Experts Network, as well as, through her web presence.

She has also had several articles on wellness and natural healing published in books and other print media

Her Vision

Heather’s vision is to spread essential oils and joy across the world – one person, family, and place at a time. Essential oils help her to promote positive change in people’s lives – for relaxation, wellness, and even performance.  She knows that essential oils work in different ways for different people, but they do work. For some they are simply fun, for others, like Heather, they are an integral cog in improving personal health, when nothing else worked.

Her focus is to,

“Spread joy one drop at a time.”  

Heather believes in the seven I’s to achieving abundance in your life.

  1. Find your Why.
  2. Ask questions.
  3. Share ideas and grow.
  4. Open doors.
  5. Empower others to shine.
  6. Educate, reflect, learn and let-go.
  7. Build win-win opportunities to thrive together.

Achieving Life Balance

The growth of Heather’s business allows her to spend more time with her family, her greatest joy. She and her family enjoy traveling, playing sports, visiting museums, reading books, doing art projects, learning how to play musical instruments and speak other languages.

Being an independent doTerra representative gives her the flexibility to spend more time with family, while still making a career spreading her message of oils and wellness.  Heather is also able to focus on community wellness issues. Together with her husband, they participate in wellness events, as well as, other business opportunities.

Heather McKinney has filled her life with health and wellness. She Soared to Success with an eye to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, helping her clients improve their wellness, while teaching her family to embrace a wholistic approach to living.

To learn more about Heather and her wholistic approach to wellness visit her new website: http://www.spreadoils.com/.

You can also find testimonials for her work on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/spreadoils

Plus find her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/spreadoils and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spreadoils/

If you have a question for Heather, send her an email to: spreadoils@gmail.com

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