
Delegate is NOT a Dirty Word!

  • by Terry Green
  • 4 Years ago
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You know those days when you feel your brain power is stretched so thin you can’t focus. Those days when you can barely concentrate and are having trouble remembering what to do next. Or you have so many things to get done you wish you could clone yourself?

That’s called overwhelm. It’s a very common ailment among small business owners. And, there IS a cure!

Delegate! If you and your brain are stretched to capacity, you may find yourself struggling to recall even the simplest of things.

That’s it! The cure to overwhelm and overwork in business is to delegate. It’s how to get your brain AND your business back on track. Delegate, outsource, right-source. Whatever you want to call it. Do it.

Every business owner has both their own strengths and weaknesses. Just like on a baseball team. Some team members are great at pitching, but not batting. Some are great at hitting a home run but can’t catch a ball to save their lives. It’s the same with business owners … so the smart thing in business is to do only what you do best and delegate the rest!

Delegating can be better described as spending money to make money or investing in your success. It is also a wise business move for small business owners who want to spend less time on non-income producing tasks so they can focus on the important tasks and things that are income-producing and business-building.

When business owners first begin to practice the art of delegating, they quickly discover the advantages of delegating the day-to-day tasks and services they don’t want or know how to do (and really shouldn’t be doing in the first place) to someone who not only enjoys doing those things, but has the skills and expertise to execute them quickly and more efficiently. This allows the business owner to free up more time to concentrate on things like speaking, coaching, product creation, advertising, networking and a host of other tasks that will help grow their business to be even more profitable.

Delegating the technical and back end marketing tasks and projects to someone whose areas of expertise they are, is NOT a weakness. It’s actually a strength. Knowing when to step away from something not related to what you do best (speaking or coaching) and handing it off to someone who is better suited in that capacity is a sign of a very intelligent business owner who has their fingers on the pulse of their business. They know both their strengths and their weaknesses, and make sure they have the right people on their team doing what they should be doing.

If your brain is stretched thin, or you can’t seem to get ahead of the tasks on your to-do list, stop struggling and get help so you can get back to doing what it was that made you go into business in the first place.

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