
Coach, Speaker & Motivator Robin Sacks Helps Her Clients Soar to Success!

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Robin Sacks

Robin Sacks wears many hats as a coach, consultant and speaker, to help her clients succeed. She takes pride in helping them gain knowledge, but also helps them to apply it in their lives to create the success and transformation they are seeking.

Robin discovered that what you focus on and how you see yourself affects the success you find in your life and business; she calls it the success mindset.

The very foundation to achieving success is, “You become what you believe!”

One of her biggest jobs is to help her clients counteract the “Yes, Buts,” that stop us in our tracks.  

“We are our own worst critics. Self-talk or lack of confidence is always the primary thing that holds us back from achieving our goals.”

When she is going over a new idea to improve a business with a client, they may say,

“Yes, I love that idea. BUT, I don’t have the money, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the energy, I don’t have the skill, I don’t have the…etc.” They find 30 reasons why it would never work, instead of simply starting with, “Yes, let’s see how we CAN make that work.”

Robin helps her clients understand that they could be holding themselves back, just by holding on to a mindset that is limiting their ability to achieve their goals.

Robin explains that, even though anyone can go to Home Depot and buy a box full of tools, that doesn’t mean they can build the actual house. You need to see the plan and execute the steps in the right order. You can have all the right business “tools,” but without the right mindset, it is going to be hard to actually build what you want.

Building a positive mindset is a start, but it’s just one tool in the toolbox. Robin helps her clients take the first step and shows them the overall plan to build a successful life and business.

In the early years of Robin’s career, she was a reporter, producer and anchor on a television news program. She learned that the important thing about the news is what are they are NOT telling the audience. For example, if a weatherman says there is a 20% chance of rain, that means there is an 80% chance of sun. If he says it is going to be partly cloudy, that means that it is more likely to be sunny. The media likes to report the unemployment rate at 7%, but they don’t stress the positive fact that there is 93% employment.

This mindset carries over into people’s consciousness and affects their daily lives, negatively. Once she realized this basic fact, she began to incorporate it into her speaking. She makes a conscious effort to enlighten her audiences to change their mindset and focus on the positive, rather than the negative.

This became one of her basic teaching tenets, when she began her coaching practice.

Robin is always trying to expand her coaching and teaching sphere. As a coach, she reaches a single client with one-on-one appointments. She has also expanded her coaching to using video to reach a wider audience on her YouTube channel. Her book has helped her reach an even larger audience.

Her book, “Get Off My Bus,” uses the premise each of us is the driver of our own bus through life and there are people that are constantly getting on and off our bus. Some only step on for a moment, while others are along for a lifetime, although they may move closer to the front or farther to the back at times. There are also those people who step on and off your bus throughout your life, reappearing to help you through certain issues or times in your life, either personally or professionally

When you’re feeling stuck, Robin suggests asking yourself five questions about your bus to gain clarity and decide your next action.

The first two questions are about you, the other three have to do with other people.

  1. Who’s in your driver’s seat right now? Is it you or did you get up and let someone else take over? Did someone take over and push you out?
  2. Where is your bus going? What are you trying to do?
  3. Who needs to get OFF your bus? Are there toxic people (friends, family, co-workers, etc.) that may be influencing you in a bad way or creating consistent stress?
  4. Who needs to get ON your bus? You need people on your bus that can help you reach your goals by being supportive and motivating.
  5. Whose bus do you need to get off of? What are you doing on a regular basis that you need to step away from?

For Robin, number five was especially important. She had to learn to let go and say no to some opportunities that were holding her back.

“Are you someone that takes pride in being able to do everything yourself? Are some of those things unimportant and can be handled by someone else? Are those minor things keeping you from reaching your life or business goals? Those are the things that you need to learn to let go of.”

Letting go of a few of those responsibilities has allowed her to spend more time with her daughter. She found that family time is a valuable commodity and not one to be wasted.

“I still have to pay the bills; however, I have found that successful people say no more often than they say yes. Saying “NO” takes a little bit of getting used to. Everyone has to understand what success means to them and what’s most important in their life. There was a time when I took every job that came my way, but I was never home. When I began to discriminate and limit my work schedule, I felt more comfortable with my life and my business still prospered.” 

Robin Sacks is constantly seeking the positive and helps her clients find the positive traits they need to be focusing on in order to grow both their personal and business lives.

More information can be found about Robin and her business at: https://www.robinjsacks.com/

The website has more information about her coaching, consulting and speaking. There are also videos, and on-demand courses, along with other articles.

Robin can also be found on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIN.

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