
Are Storm Clouds Looming on the Horizon?

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Are Storm Clouds Looming on the Horizon?

After almost 30 years in business and almost the same amount of time with my amazing husband, one thing I have learned is that storm clouds do appear on the horizon from time to time.  Sometimes they skirt off north or south of us and the odd time, Mother Nature delivers a direct blow. The question I have is, how prepared are you for those direct blows?

In business, many of my colleagues are the type who watch a storm brewing on the horizon and think, Let’s pray that it goes to the North or South. It probably won’t make a direct hit on us anyway.

It can be financial, human resources, operations, or something else. There are numerous storms and sometimes the odd whirlwind, I’ll call that the business tornado, that slams into the belly of your company making a direct hit.

Painful, isn’t it?

Since my specialty is technology, there are many technology storms that can bring a business to its knees. Viruses, data theft, errors, the human component, and much more.

There are ways to prevent these storm clouds and business tornadoes from having a direct impact on your company.

You know what it is?

It’s the Cloud!  OK, I know what you’re thinking. You’re talking about storm clouds, but now you’re saying that the Cloud is the answer. Well, these are different types of clouds. Let’s call them good clouds and nasty clouds.

The nasty clouds are all the bad things that can happen to your business.  For example:

  • Sally in accounting deletes a customer in your accounting system in error.
  • A hard drive fails on a server and your server crashes. You’re down for a day, praying the IT guy can recover data but knowing you’ll also get a huge consulting bill.
  • Joe in operations opens an email from someone he thinks is you and it has a ransomware virus that encrypts all your data. You have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to get the data decrypted.

These are all those nasty storm clouds that score a direct hit to your company’s bottom line.

The Cloud can help lessen the pain from these storm clouds and business tornadoes that impact your company.


  • Hardware is monitored on a continuous basis and if any hardware issues arise, redundancies are in place to protect from systems crashing.
  • Cybersecurity mechanisms guard against viruses, ransomware, and other potential threats so they don’t take your systems down.
  • Files and all important information are backed up in multiple locations and in the event of file deletion, guess what, it can be recovered quickly.

Want to remove the threat of storm clouds impacting your company?  Let’s chat about how the Cloud can help.  Call (866) 883-8836 or visit cloudservicesformsps.com to learn more about how the Cloud can keep those storm clouds away.

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