
3 Tips For Cloud Computing In 2019

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Cloud Computing In 2019

Keeping your ear to the ground… that’s what we called it back in the day.  Today, many internet content professionals and social media aficionados call it “trolling.”  That’s what I did this past weekend; I went internet trolling to look for information about cloud computing trends that are starting to brew up for the year.

There’s A State of Confusion

I recently joined a Facebook group with approximately 4,000 members made up of Managed IT Service Providers.  These MSPs range in size from very small 1-to-2 people operations right up to large, well-experienced MSPs.

The common theme I got from this MSP Facebook group is that there’s still mass confusion when it comes to the Cloud. (And I’m 100% sure that other MSP groups, either online like this one or others, suffer from the same issue.)

I won’t say all because there are many MSPs who have the Cloud figured out. These are the voices you rarely hear in a public setting. They know exactly what their offering looks like, how to price it, and what businesses are prime candidates for the Cloud.

Where to Turn For Help 

I’ve made it my personal mission to work with Managed IT Service Companies that are struggling to make sense of the Cloud.  After all, there’s a bunch of noise out there. It seems that everyone has an opinion. So many cloud vendors say that they have the best solution for Managed Service Providers. If everyone has the best solution for you, who’s truly the best?

Here are 3 tips to help you select the right Cloud Partner for your MSP business:

  1. Look for experience: CPU offers 30 years of experience in the technology world, and not all of it in the Cloud.  However, we’ve been around as far as the Cloud is concerned.  We remember the ASP days of the late ’90s and early 2000s. We were pioneers with cloud computing since before it was cool.
  2. Find a partner who’s just like you: Look around the Cloud community right now. There are many cashing in on the growing market we play in. Mergers, acquisitions and consolidations are happening every day. We believe the right Cloud Partner is someone who was there in the beginning, will work with you now, and promises to be right beside you tomorrow.
  3. Ensure they’ll provide support when you need it: We think this is the most important part of any cloud computing relationship. Can you reach a live person when you need help?  This is essential.  When you’re not working with someone just like you, support is almost, well …non-existent.

After 30 years, I believe our experience speaks for itself.

These are just a few tips to help you select the right Cloud Partner. We’ll continue to internet troll, monitor the trends, and keep you in-the-know when it comes to cloud computing.

Be sure to visit cloudservicesformsps.com to learn more.

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