Your Audience
on Social
Do you know what your target
audience needs? Do you know if
the content you are putting on
social media right now matters
to them at all? Do you know if
your target audience is even
seeing your posts? Defining your
audience will allow you to
answer these questions and
Defining your target
audience is the best first
step to building your
social media strategy.
You need to be clear
about who you want to
talk to before you can
communicate with them!
To create that audience
definition, ask yourself:
Who is my perfect customer?
What are they like? (age,
interests, gender)
What are their concerns?
What do they need?
You may find that you have 2 or
3 distinct audience groups and
that is ok, just make sure you
keep them separate. You want to
have groups that are very tightly
The better you can understand
your audience, the better you
can connect with them and give
them what they want and need.
Spend the time to really describe
them and then use that as your
filter when making decisions for
content. Ask yourself if this is
something they would care about
or find interesting or helpful. If the
answer is no, then don’t waste
your time or theirs by posting it!
When deciding which social
channels to post to, look at where
your target customer spends their
time. Where are they already?
Also think about what types of
information your target customer
would like to see and how they like
it delivered. In some cases your
message may be links to articles
- which is good for Facebook or
Twitter. In other cases you might
want to give your content in
images - which would be great for
Pinterest. Or create videos for
By Lynne Wilson
NOV. 2015
Core Business Strategies