
Timing Matters in Sales

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Timing Matters in Sales

Whether you sell B2B or B2C you want to be communicating when your prospects and clients are listening. The goal is to be top of mind when the prospect or client is ready to buy. There are three aspects to creating a communication strategy that puts your message in front of the prospect at the right time.

Decide Timing

Grab a calendar and plot things like holidays, deals you’ll offer, events, blog and newsletter submission dates, and calling/card outreach schedule. It is this schedule that will keep you consistently in front of your prospects and clients. This is something you don’t want to leave to chance!

Wrap your promotions around events, holidays, or seasons. If you have a slow time of year, create an offer to pull in business. Here’s an example:

If winter is traditionally slow, offer 10% off a product or service your clients can use at that time.

Devise Messages

Your messaging should be a mix of sharing information, offering promotions, providing tips, and gathering data. Share articles and blogs that are educational. They can be from your company and other industry experts. Text messaging is great for sales and specials. E-newsletters and blogs work well for educating people and sharing information.

Jot down five topics in your industry that you can speak to. Are there subtopics you can add? Write a blog post, a couple tips, and an article for each topic. Create a short video for each. Video works well on websites, in blog posts, and as attachments in social site updates.

Identify what you think your prospects would like to know. Think about questions people ask you. THAT is what they are interested in. So, be sure you are sharing that information.

Determine Venues      

Decide which communication methods make sense for your prospects and clients. You can create a text marketing campaign to send timely and informational messages to your opt-in contact base. Develop an e-newsletter to share tips, specials, news, and relevant information. Set up a calling and card campaign to touch base with current clients.

Timing is about where, how, what AND when. Create your strategy and be there when the prospect is ready to buy. Remember this equation

Go ahead, give it a shot! And if you want some help, go to www.seizethisday.co and schedule a complimentary call. And as always, remember to seize THIS day.

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