
What The Game Of Golf Can Teach Us About Sales

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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What The Game Of Golf Can Teach Us About Sales

Do you play golf? Watch golf? Wonder about the fascination with golf? Well, . . . there are principals of golf that can help us improve our sales game.

Problem Solving

Golf is a strategic game. The player is confronted with a variety of things they have to consider before they tee off. From distance to hazards to club choice, the golfer has to plan for each hole. They work with their caddie to create a plan for each swing.

In sales, we need a strategy that covers how we will make our moves. We don’t just head out and try to close business. We have a plan.

Live In Reality

In golf, you have to deal with what you’re presented with: from course setup to the weather, animals to other golfers. And if your shot doesn’t go as planned you have to adjust for your next shot. You can’t move the ball to a more advantageous spot!

As in golf, the sales person has to see the big picture and be able to work with the client or prospect as they are. The sales person can’t succeed if she interacts with the prospect based on what she wants, instead of who the prospect is.

Don’t Overanalyze

Golfers can become paralyzed by overanalyzing their swing. Trying too hard to be perfect and picking apart each move can cause the golfer to play worse, not better. It’s the same with sales.

A sales person can spend a lot of time analyzing their customer and prospect base. They can work endlessly on an outreach strategy. However, the more time they spend trying to make it perfect, the farther away from taking action they will get. At some point they just have to make a move.

And don’t quit on the first swing. Practice is critical to golf and sales success. No one starts out with mastery. It takes consistency and patience. So, think about what you want to achieve, create a plan of action, and work your plan. Make adjustments as needed and remember that the more you try, the more you will improve.

All great golfers, and sales professionals have coaches. If you’d like some coaching on perfecting your sales game, visit my website at seizethisday.co and schedule a call. And as always, remember to seize THIS day.

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