
Retargeting 101 – What It Is and Why You Should Be Doing It

  • by Holly Kile
  • 4 Years ago
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Retargeting 101

It goes without saying that your marketing funnel, which is the process that guides a prospect, taking them from stranger to customer, is one of the most important, and effective assets in your marketing arsenal.

One of the most underused, yet exciting ways to boost your marketing conversions is to include some form of retargeting.

What Is Retargeting?

Have you ever visited a website and then later started seeing banners for that website following you around all over the web? That’s retargeting, aka remarketing (people use those words interchangeably).

Amazon is a great example of a website that uses retargeting. They place a cookie on your computer, and no matter where you go on the internet, they will identify you. In other words, they can show you ads related to the web pages you visited when you clicked on Amazon’s website.

Benefits of Using Retargeting for Marketing

Chances are, your marketing funnel is built to drive brand awareness and increase conversions.

Take a look at these retargeting statistics:

  • 3 out of 4 customers notice retargeted ads
  • Retargeted ads on Facebook are 76% more likely to get clicks than regular display ads
  • If you leverage retargeting along with other channels, you can sell 50% more

Let’s say you have a marketing site and a visitor clicks on a link to your SEO services page and opts in to receive a free e-Book. Now they are on your SEO retargeting list and will receive emails containing SEO-related information because of their demonstrated interest.

Although this type of standard sales funnel can be effective, thanks to the power of retargeting, you can now continue communicating with customers and prospects without needing to email or call them on the phone.

Push Leads through the Funnel Faster

The idea behind any marketing funnel is to move people down through the various stages.

If you know they usually purchase after five touches with your brand, try to see if you can cut that down to two or three with the addition of retargeting.

Research has shown that 92% of customers don’t purchase on their first visit to a website, which is exactly why you need to follow them around and make sure they enter back into the funnel at the right stage.

In order to do that, you’ll need to retarget them with fresh content. Don’t just send them back to a page that didn’t convert. That content did not resonate with them so try to nudge them back onto your website with something new.

Remember: Retargeting (Like All Great Marketing) Is About Developing Relationships

Just like dating, the key to remarketing is building relationships and trust.

Someone comes to your website, they don’t buy, you remarket to them, and they keep seeing your ads everywhere.

Soon, they begin to feel and think like they know you, and are now more likely to give you a chance, which they will not give to a total stranger.

Remember, the more you know your audience, the better you can retarget them as they work through your marketing funnel.

The next thing you know, you’ll have customers saying, “It’s almost as if they read my mind and know exactly what I want.”

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