
Need to Improve Revenue? Run an MRI on Your Business Today

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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Need to Improve Revenue? Run an MRI on Your Business Today

When I ask CEO’s and Sales leaders: “how do you plan to end 2020 strong and hit the ground running in 2021?”…I receive a variety of responses.

In this article we will discuss how to run an MRI for your business now and strategically pivot and lean into the data to structure, train, and coach your sales team to drive the outcomes leaders desire.

What if we could provide a data driven scan for the health of your business today?

What if you had a Business MRI and could scan your business and share specific areas that need to improve before they become fatal?

I believe it is more critical now than ever given the change and disruption so many of us have experienced.

I suggest seven areas of your organization to scan to give your leadership the data they need.

1.Voice of your customers

Here we capture things like how your buyers buy and why they buy from you and why they don’t.

2.Systems and Processes

Does the team have a Sales Plan and formal sales process?  Are the systems in place to support profitable growth that provide salespeople valuable insights to prescriptively grow their business?


Does the team have a strong digital marketing competence? I suggest running a value proposition audit to ensure you clearly understand what your buyer’s value after the last 90 days of disruption.

4.Sales support

Here we look at all the sales support tools, systems and processes to ensure they are aligned to drive profitable sales growth while making it easy for customers to buy from you.

5.Sales Mindset

We want to determine things like what do your salespeople believe about things like: pricing, quality, selling, business outlook, accountability, and motivation

6.Sales Skills

The main focus here is to determine by salesperson and sales manager if they have been trained and do they have the sales skills needed in your market of today? Do they understand how to sell based on value and not just price?

7.Metrics and Data

Here we dive into the transaction data often buried deep in your servers and CRM. What is the cost of sales? Cost per lead? What is your net profit by customer today?

Most of the teams I have served have a much clearer vision of their future state they desire than the current state they are working in today.” ~ Mark Allen Roberts

Together we look at your business data and customers feedback today then create a plan and connect the dots between your current state and where your team desires to be in the future.

If you want help running an MRI for your business now in order to have the data to make strategic pivots, let’s chat. Contact me at Mark@outbsolutions.com.

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