
How To Improve Customer Relationships In Times Of Crisis

  • by Lisa Ryan
  • 4 Years ago
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How To Improve Customer Relationships In Times Of Crisis

Even though we’re sick of talking about and thinking about COVID, unfortunately, it’s not going away any time soon. There are lots of businesses that have been hit in obvious ways – restaurants, hotels, airlines – because customers just aren’t showing up the way they used to.

Businesses still in full- or partial-production mode are also facing difficulties as many companies are not allowing vendors to come into their facilities. These policies are crippling sales teams’ ability to connect with and develop their customer base.

You know how important it is for companies to maintain a strong customer engagement strategy – and it’s especially critical during these difficult times. As customers feel isolated enough because of everything they have going on, they need to know that their vendors continue to care about them – even when the going gets tough.

So, as a business leader, how do you help your customer thrive when they are fearful, stressed out, and longing for basic human connection? Here are a few ideas to get started.

Go the extra mile.  Millions of people are furloughed, working from home, and facing pronounced isolation right now. Customers are looking for company experiences that meet and exceed their needs for empathy, concern and care. Use some kind of engagement platform to listen to what your customers are looking for and then personalize your response to them. You may also consider donating products and services to your struggling customers who can use the help. When things get back to some semblance of normal, your customers will remember how you took care of them.

Keep in touch. Get together with your sales team and strategize ways to keep in touch with customers during this crisis. Be proactive in your communication by sending messages that share helpful resources – even if you’re directing your customers elsewhere. Radio silence is the worst thing you can do during these times. Let your existing customers know how you are taking care of them in new ways. Businesses need to keep on top of their customer service and take the necessary measure to prevent customer dissatisfaction. When your clients hear from you, they feel reassured that they can count on you when they need you.

Be human. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Use your social media posts to share the personal side of your business. Don’t be afraid to be e a little sassy while keeping your interactions lighthearted and fun. Look for authentic ways to connect with your customers, whether or not it has anything to do directly with your business. Give clients a reason to visit your site, whether they need your products/services or not, just because they want to see what you have to say.

Because you strive to provide the best customer experience when times are good, you must also use it to support your customers during challenging times.


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