
How to be Successful Every Day!

  • by Joan Washburn
  • 3 Years ago
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How to be Successful Every Day!

A client and I were recently talking about the definition of success.  She had been very successful in her previous position, but now she was starting her own business and she was filled with doubt and worry about being successful.  She felt the definition of success changed with things like your age and other circumstances over which you had little or no control.  She was seeing the definition as limited to the top 3 definitions of a Google search:

  • the accomplishment of an aim or purpose,
  • the attainment of popularity or profit,
  • a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.

While studying at the Academy for Coaching Excellence, I was taught a definition of success that ensured I would achieve my goals and at the same time brought me a great deal of relief.  It did the same for my client when I shared it with her.  I trust it will do the same for you:

“Success is consistently doing what you said you would do with clarity, focus, ease and grace.”    

Let’s look a little closer at this definition.

People who have clarity know their purpose and have a well-defined plan to accomplish it.  They know what is important to them and they know the next step they need to take to move closer to making it happen.

They are not distracted by every “Shiny Object” that comes along, but are able to focus their energy on the implementation of their plan.

When you are going for something important to you things are not always easy.  That we all know!  However, we can implement our plan with ease.  My favorite definition of the word ease is “freedom from concern, anxiety; a quiet state of mind”.  Successful people have learned to simply take the next step that is front of them to take.  This eliminates the need for a lot of stress and struggle.

And last, but not least, grace.  St. Therese of Lisieux states “Everything is a grace.”   Successful people are grateful for all things, even unforeseen obstacles, set-backs and daily challenges.  They are willing to say “Yes!” to, and learn from, them all.

This definition of success is all about taking purposeful, usually small, steps every day toward a goal, dream or the vision you have for your life.  It’s not about doing big, or a lot of, things.  It’s not about money or prestige.

The thing I love most about this definition is this:  “Success” is not an end game – you can experience every single day!

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