
How Can You Be Of Service?

  • by Diane Helbig
  • 4 Years ago
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How Can You Be Of Service?

There is no doubt we are living in challenging times. Many small business owners and sales professionals are struggling with the whole idea of engaging in the sales process. After all, are people and companies really buying?

The answer is ‘yes.’ Companies and people are buying the things they need. And as we continue dealing with the pandemic, economic fallout, and social unrest, many are seeking a level of normalcy. So, instead of trying to figure out how you can sell your product or service, why not ask how you can help.

Thinking about assisting others changes the way we look at the conversation. In order to be of help we have to understand the other person’s circumstance. We can’t assume we know. Yes, we’re all going through challenges right now. However, each person’s experience is unique.

Start each conversation with an inquisitive mind. Be empathetic and ask how they are. You can come right out and ask how circumstances are affecting them. Most people are pretty open about how they are navigating and what is going on in their world.

You could say something like, “These are crazy times. I’m reaching out to people in my community to lend an ear, see how they are faring, and offer help where I can. So, I’m curious – how have the past couple of months impacted you?”

The key is to really listen to what they tell you. Listen with an open mind, not a focus on what you could sell them. There may be someone in your network who is the perfect resource. Offer to make an introduction. The point is to be of service by connecting your clients and prospects to the resources they need right now. When you show up as a helper, not a seller, you build trust and gratitude.

While it is always a good idea to stay out of sales mode, it is especially important right now. So, how can you be of service? You can listen, you can connect people to the resources they need at the time, you can be understanding, patient, and giving. Then, as we emerge from the craziness to whatever our new normal will be, people will want to keep you in their world. Be that person now, and in the future. It’s one of the most attractive qualities a salesperson can have.

©2020 Helbig Enterprises

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