
Four Reasons You Should Advertise Your Business Offline

  • by Holly Kile
  • 4 Years ago
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Four Reasons You Should Advertise Your Business Offline

Despite all the time, attention and resources that are directed towards internet marketing, are you aware of the evidence that shows offline marketing can also be massively effective?

Without a doubt, the ideal you should aim for is to engage in the right mix of on and off-line work. If you’re only concentrating your efforts in one area, your potential reach is greatly reduced. Here are four reasons why you should promote your business offline.

  1. The Value Proposition of Print

Consumers put a far greater value on printed materials they can touch over that of a web page.

Think about all the direct mail you probably have received over the course of your lifetime. Granted, a lot of it is immediately discarded, but, you know, every once in a while, you will receive an offer that reminds you of a need for a particular product or service.

Studies show that 75% of people believe that direct mail offers are more trustworthy than online offers.

  1. The Longevity of Printed Materials

The average person keeps direct mail in their homes for up to 45 days. Every one of those pieces of mail offers an opportunity for you to make a sale, just from single look or glance.

Since people hang onto a direct mail piece for an extended period of time, these opportunities with printed marketing materials is something you don’t get with online marketing.

  1. You Can Pick and Choose Who You Target

When you engage in offline marketing, it doesn’t amount to using a shot gun approach where you merely flood other people’s mailboxes with your print materials. To do that is to invite folks to look at your material as nothing more than junk mail.

Fortunately, just like with internet marketing, you can target a specific audience.

Statistically speaking, offline marketing can produce a much higher ROI. For example, the United States Postal Service reports that direct mail recipients purchased 28% more items and spent 28% more money than people who didn’t get that piece of direct mail.

  1. Added Credibility

In today’s market, it doesn’t take much effort to put together a website and promote a business on social media. Unfortunately, sometimes consumers tend to think of digital-only businesses as less stable because so many just “poof” and disappear. Adding in an offline component only serves to bolster the consumer’s confidence in your business’ longevity.

The great thing is that you can add offline (direct) marketing into your marketing plan easily and cost-effectively. As with any marketing method, do your research, target your exact consumer and craft a message that speaks to what the consumer wants. Putting that equation in place will most certainly net you great rewards.

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