
Do You Have the Proper Grip on Your Business?

  • by Fred Altvater
  • 4 Years ago
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Do You Have the Proper Grip on Your Business?

In golf one of the most basic aspects of a solid golf game is holding the club correctly. Your hands are the only connection your body has with the golf club and thus, your grip, is one of the most important facets in creating a well-executed shot.

Isn’t that also important in your business? Do you have the Proper Grip on your life and work?

An entrepreneur, trying to operate a one-man/woman shop can be become so overwhelmed with a hectic schedule that the basics of running a successful business can be overlooked. The constant demand to meet new clients, digest new information and trends in your industry, concerns about your bottom line, or attending networking meetings can block out core business items needing daily attention.

Plus, if you are so consumed by business issues, your family may suffer.

One of my students, who is a better than average golfer, began struggling with his driver. He was striking all the other clubs correctly, but this driver was creating issues on the course. We struggled to find a correction and eventually a simple adjustment to his grip, solved his issue. He began striping high arcing shots to the back of the range.

If your personal life is a mess, or a cause for concern, it may be getting in the way of your business performance. Do you have a proper work/life balance?

If you are constantly worried about missing a child’s activity, or the lack of quality time with a spouse, your attention to detail in your business may suffer. Important business decisions made while distracted about other issues in your life may come back to haunt you.

Is there a simple fix? Yes, GET A GRIP!

To prevent this from happening to you, take a few minutes to write down five key items that need to happen every day to make your business a success. Keep it simple and don’t worry about the outcome, just focus on completing these few key tasks every day and the rest will take care of itself.

These are the basics. Just like the proper grip in golf, the proper grip of your entire life and business is important to be successful in both.

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