
Characteristics of a Great Manager

  • by Lisa Ryan
  • 3 Years ago
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Characteristics of a Great Manager

It’s been said often enough that it’s a bit of a cliché, but it’s true – people don’t leave their job, they leave their manager. And in this era of the “Great Resignation” the relationship between managers and their team member can be the determining factor in whether or not employees decide to stay.

When it comes to a job, most people want work that matters, colleagues they like, and a manager they respect. Although employees may settle for a job and colleagues that are just okay, it’s the manager that can make or break that person’s decision to stay.

Here are three characteristics of great managers.

  1. They are appreciative. What gets recognized, gets results. Great managers look to catch their employees in the act of doing things well and acknowledge them for their efforts. They personalize the recognition and make sure they are recognizing team members in the way THEY like to be acknowledged. Expressing gratitude for a job well done goes a long way in connecting with employees.
  2. They are communicative. Great managers make sure that employees know what’s going on – the good, the bad, and the ugly. They make sure that information is shared at all levels of the organization and that employees feel that they are part of the big picture. Because there are so many ways to communicate, and different preferences in how people like to be communicated with, great managers reach out in a variety of ways, and focus on the way their team members prefer to be contacted.
  3. They are observant. Great managers look for ways to bring out the best in their employees. They provide opportunities for growth and development based on their individual strengths, not on some cookie-cutter career plan. They ask their employees where they see themselves with the company in one year, five years, and perhaps further. Then, they help their staff members reach their professional goals.

The quality of a company’s management team plays a huge role in determining the quality of the culture. When managers make the time to appreciate, communicate and observe the good in their people, they will have a more highly engaged team.

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