
Be At Your Best and Eliminate Frustration

  • by Lynnette Begue-Lavery
  • 4 Years ago
  • Comments Off
Be At Your Best and Eliminate Frustration

It’s time to wake up that hero within and build your confidence!    I don’t know about you, but most people I talk with are ready for a change!  More than just warmer weather, people are looking to be reenergized!   For me summer is a time of new growth, new endeavors and new beginnings.  But actually, any new day can be a new start, wouldn’t you agree?

So why not awaken that hero within you by investing in your image? Usually when I suggest this, people they have two objections, time and money.  I hope you know that YOU are your biggest asset and YOU are worth investing in!  A picture is worth a thousand words and how you show up in the world matters.  You are unique and your image, skills, personal development, and your mindset are all vitally important to your success.

Here are 4 reasons why you should invest in yourself!

1) Be prepared.  You may have heard the saying, proper preparation prevents poor performance.  This includes your personal morning routine and wardrobe.  When you take time for yourself, you are filling your cup. Not only do you feel better, your energy naturally overflows to others.

2) SAVE time.  How many times have you stood in front of a closet full of clothes and muttered the words “I don’t have anything to wear?” It’s not because your closet is empty, it’s because you don’t like how you feel when you put those clothes on!  Let’s face it, life throws us curve balls and we need to learn to pivot our closet instead of beating ourselves up.  When you know without a doubt what your best color and style is, you won’t have a closet full of clothes that leave you feeling discouraged. You will feel positive and energized, ready to start your day no matter what’s on your calendar!

3) Save money.  Do you have purchase mistakes hiding in your closet? Have you made a purchase only to realize later, the coordinating piece you thought you had, doesn’t really work? Is there something you didn’t try on only to find out it didn’t fit like you thought it would?  Sure, you may be able to return them, but time is money, right? Investing in yourself eliminates the frustration of wasted time and money.

  1. Reduce stress, negative self-talk and hush your inner critic. Let’s be honest, when you look in the mirror, what do you say to yourself?  If it’s not something like ‘hello gorgeous’, or ‘this looks fabulous and comfortable’, then it’s time to take action! Pay closer attention this week to the effect your clothes have on your energy.  When your energy is positive and you are feeling confident, you open the doors of opportunity and new possibilities!

If you’re ready to reenergize your life and boost your confidence, let’s have a conversation to discover your next best step. Visit my website at uniquelyyourimage.com.

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