
Are You on the Edge of Burning Out?

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Burning Out

Let’s look at the tell-tale signs of burn out.

Do you love your job or business? Are you excited to go to work each day? Or are you overwhelmed and burned out? Even the best jobs/business ventures can lead to burnout. The harder you work and the more motivated you are to succeed, the easier it is to get in over your head.

The prevalence of burnout is increasing as technology further blurs the line between work and home. New research from the American Psychological Association reported the following:

48% of Americans experienced increased stress over the past 5 years.

31% of self-employed or employed adults have difficulty managing their work and family responsibilities.

53% say work leaves them “overtired and overwhelmed.”

A Society for Human Resource Management poll found that “burnout from my current job” was one of the top reasons that people quit.

The opposite of burn out is being Fired Up. Now at one time or another you went to work Fired Up. Passionate about what you’re doing, knowing that you’re making a difference each day.

Here are the tell-tale signs you’re on the edge of burn out.

Your health is being compromised. The Stress is wearing you out.

You’re forgetting important things or making poor decisions.

You’re having difficulty interacting with people at work. And your relationships at home are being compromised.

You lie in bed at night worried that you didn’t get everything done hoping nothing will go wrong.

You’re no longer motivated, your work performance is diminishing.

Here are some tips to reenergize and fire you back up.

  1. Reconnect with why you came to your job/business.
  2. Write down what you loved about it in the beginning.
  3. Learn to Relax. When stress is hitting you daily, the idea of relaxation may seem impossible. But taking time for yourself is absolutely key. That doesn’t mean you have to take a three-week vacation. Stress relief is as close at hand as a few five-minute pauses throughout your day where you are quiet and reflective, just being in the moment.

If none of this works for you, please call me at 402-890-5741 Let’s set up a time to chat so I can support you.

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