
An Action A Day Keeps Anxiety Away

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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Do you ever worry that you aren’t growing your business as quickly as you should? Or maybe you wake up in the middle of the night feeling anxious that not enough money is coming in? I get it! And I’ve got a cure for the anxiety flu.

At one time or another, everyone worries about the growth of their business. It’s hard not to. Some businesses are cyclical. Sometimes you lose a big client. Sometimes you get so caught up in the day to day that you forget to prospect.

It happens to the best of us!

If you’re thinking this sounds like you, and that you don’t know what to do to right the ship, take a breath! And take action. The best thing to do in times of anxiety is something. I’d say ‘do anything’ but that’s not really what I mean.

Commit to doing at least 1 thing a day to grow your business. It could be posting on social media, sending an eNewsletter, calling a prospect, or having coffee with a connection. It could be any number of sales or marketing tactics. The key is to do something toward your growth. If you can do at least one thing a day, you will see results. And you will feel better because you will know you are taking action to improve your business.

We get anxious when we are thinking about the future – the what if. When we are taking action, we are in the present and therefore can’t be anxious. So, the benefit is twofold. We create momentum and energy in our business, and we alleviate our anxiety.

So, how about if your first action is to create the calendar plan? Assign one task on each day of the coming week. Then set out to accomplish each of those tasks. Even if you do one in the middle of the night when worry wakes you up! It’s okay. It won’t happen often because your momentum will create results and you will sleep well.

Want a little accountability with your plan? Shoot me an email at diane@seizethisday.co and tell me what you are going to do for 7 days. I’ll check in with you to see how it’s going. And if you feel you’d like more help, visit my website at www.seizethisday.co and schedule a complimentary 30 minute phone consultation.

And remember to seize THIS day.

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