
4 Skill Sets To Dial Down the Stress

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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4 Skill Sets To Dial Down the Stress

Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed to the max? Here are four skill sets, that you can master to dial down your stress.

Skill Set 1: Lower the bar for your success. We tend to go full speed ahead towards that new goal or project which may sound great and feels good in the beginning, but you can’t maintain that kind of pace very long without burning out or being exhausted at the end of the day.

Plus, it doesn’t represent who you are as a skilled professional. Skilled means the ability to self-manage and self-pace yourself so you are not working at a deficit.

Skill Set 2: Take small steady steps. Those small steady steps, done consistently add up over time and will produce the results you want. Practice small steady steps this week and see what happens.

Skill Set 3: Slow down to speed up. When you slow down to speed up, your decisions become more conscious and you get focused on what really matters. When you don’t slow down, you run the risk of spending time reacting.  When you hit the pause button on action and decision making, you have a different experience.

Slowing down helps you see information, patterns and issues that were previously overlooked or unclear. You gain clarity.

Skill Set 4: Get the support you need. it could be a coach, a mentor, someone you know that will keep you in the game and make sure you’re moving forward. Research shows that successful people have a strong network of support. People they can rely on when the stuff hits the fan.

Something that stops you from getting the support you need is the self-limiting thought that “Asking for help will make you look incompetent. Or, people are too busy to support me right now.”

In fact, a new report released by researchers from Harvard Business School found that though many people are afraid to ask for advice or support, and risk looking incompetent, they’ve actually got it backwards. People who seek advice or support are likely to be thought of as more competent, at least by the people they’re asking. There are people out there that want to support you. All you have to do is ask. You don’t have to do it alone. Doing it alone just makes life harder for you.

Implement these four skill sets to make your life easier as you move forward in achieving your goals – without the stress. Now go make that happen and if you need support, reach out to me.

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