
3 Reasons One-and-Done Networking Is Bad For Business

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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One-and-Done Networking Is Bad For Business

Networking isn’t about making a sale. Really. I mean it! It’s about building relationships with people who may or may not need what you have to sell. A lot of people are practicing one and done networking – and doing real damage to their businesses.

One-and-Done networking is going to an event, or referral group, gathering business cards and either going into your pitch at the time or right after the event. It telegraphs a focus on selling at any cost. People who do this are only interested in making a sale. They aren’t thinking about the long term impact their behavior is having on their business. And they don’t realize that they are getting the opposite of what they are seeking.

They are only thinking that they’ve entered a room full of business and they have to strike right away, make the sale, and then move on to the next event.

These people forget one very important thing – the other attendees hate this kind of thing. So, let’s explore the reasons this one and done networking is bad for business.

Reason number 1 – Brand Damage

Every business owner wants to develop brand awareness. If you ask them, they’ll say they want their brand to be attractive, professional, and positive. They do a lot of work to build that brand status. And then they go to an event, try to sell, and in one sweep, do major damage to their brand. The truth is out! They aren’t what they’ve appeared to be. The same happens when their sales reps behave this way. Not only does the rep look bad, but their behavior is a direct reflection on the owner and her priorities.

Reason number 2 – Avoidance

The best way to be the person NO ONE wants to talk to is to be a salesperson at a networking event. Or, how about this one? Attending a referral group once, with no intention of joining, taking every business card and contacting every group member to sell them. There are few more repelling behaviors than that.

Reason number 3 – Lack of Significant Revenue

When your behavior is unattractive no one will have the opportunity to get to really know you and learn to trust you. Therefore, you will struggle with sales, and adding revenue to your bottom line. Building your business will be a struggle. You could have the greatest product or service in the world. But, no one will buy it if they don’t trust you. And they won’t trust you if they think the only thing you care about is sales.

If other professionals and prospects think you are only interested in making a sale, and have no interest in relationship building, they will not engage with you. If they don’t engage, they don’t buy. It’s as simple as that!

So, enough with the one-and-done networking! Choose to get to know some people and build a community around your business. And if you need help with this, reach out. Visit www.SeizeThisDay.co to schedule a complimentary 30 minute phone consult. We’ll tackle it together. And remember to seize THIS day.

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