A holistic health program should be
specific to your goals and concerns. It is
not a one program fits all approach. The
program begins with a health assessment
that includes your diet, fitness habits,
sleep patterns, stress management tools
and more. The practitioner reviews this
information with YOU and TOGETHER a
plan is developed that meets your lifestyle.
It begins with goals that are attainable and
then evaluate your progress in a specified
time period. There are no judgments and
you are the one who is guiding this process.
An NP, like myself, provides education,
information, support and guidance for you.
This program is for those who wish to
be active in their health plan! I recently
connected with a colleague who is healthy
but dealing with some concerns. She
obtained many supplements from various
sources. We reviewed her goal for a healthier
balance. Together we developed a plan that
was doable starting with a few supplements,
when to take them and the benefits to
evaluate for herself. She felt much more at
ease and in control of her plan.
Sometimes people are dealing with serious
health issues like a cancer diagnosis and
the person may be looking at supportive
therapies for managing side effects of
treatment. One woman was having
extreme fatigue following chemotherapy.
It would take her several days before she
felt like she had any strength to do regular
activities. We discussed various ideas and
she decided on implementing an essential
oil to her plan which was enough for her to
have energy and to be functional – yahoo!
after chemotherapy which medications were
not controlling. We discussed inflammatory
foods to avoid and how to add essential oils
to her plan. We reviewed a month later and
she was like a new person! Full of energy,
eating without nausea and able to increase
her fitness program.
These are just a few examples of how a
holistic health plan can be developed and
implemented for an individual’s specific
goal or concern. Also, this concept is applied
to organizations. We assist companies
to identify a roadmap for implementing
supportive therapies for their employees
and/or clients. My particular program is the
STEP or Supportive Therapy Engagement
Program. Working with the organization,
we identify the goals and then develop a
plan of action for implementation. This may
Implementing A Holistic Health
Program for You or Your Business!
ByDeb Reis, NP, MSN
Personal Growth Strategies