It is Time For a
Global Awakening
By Rochelle Forrest
It is time for a Global awakening! Are we ready? Are we living in fear or Love? We have so
many modern day conveniences and yet where is our connection? Time to open up to higher
vibrations and connect on a deeper level.
We have so much stuff all around us to make
life easier. Yet we are destroying our world
and our relationships! WE talk about our God
and how powerful… but, do we trust? Do we
even check in with God and listen to his voice?
I was driving to Southern Indiana and saw little
pine trees growing out of the side of the rock!
It thought that is kind of like us no matter what
our foundation we can still grow. I helped a
friend plant a tree and the ground was filled with
stones. We added in some new dirt, but really
the builders had buried just tons of yuk that was
very deep. Today that little tree is sturdy and has
already survived many storms and winds!
You see that little tree didn’t question its
foundation. It just rooted and is growing
towards the sun. The day I had that awakening
was theday I thoughtaboutmyownfoundation.
Personal Growth Strategies