not misunderstand me, it is tough! But, it is not
the end of the world.
Make a Financial Plan and Budget
Creating a plan and a budget for your finances is a
necessity. Initially, some of you may choose to go
on shopping sprees (that was my MO), or you may
hang out at the bars more often than usual.
Love Thyself
Allow this time, albeit a very painful one, to be one
of self-reflection and renewal. Take the opportunity
to evaluate your life, goals, passions, mistakes (aka
life lessons), and grow!
Kristie Knights is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Collaborative Divorce Coach,
Professional Speaker, Author, and Co‐Owner of the Life Balance Center in Mars,
PA. She facilitates a Divorce Recovery Seminar Series entitled Release, Recover, &
Renew geared for clients going through the divorce process. In her private practice,
she has helped guide hundreds of clients, both nationally and internationally, to lead
a life of joy and purpose. Kristie is a contributing author to Inspired Entrepreneurs:
A Compilation of Women’s Triumphs in Business and Life.
Connect with Kristie at
her websiteand on
Watch Kristie’s video series
Be real. Be raw. Just be.
Personal Growth Strategies