For argument sake let’s say Sam is the greatest
sales person of all time. In fact the Sam I am
thinking of IS one of the greatest salespeople
of all times. Initially, Sam is no different than
any other salesperson in that he presents the
product he is selling. Take note: Sam did not
ask permission to present his product he simply
made the presentation without making the
request to do so. Had Sam asked permission he
would have given the prospect the opportunity to
say NO. Permission is defined as: authorization
granted to do something; formal consent.
Most salespeople will agree that it is a rare
occasion that the prospect is immediately
to purchase the product or service being offered.
If it were, cold calling would be the favored tool
of all salespeople instead of dreaded by many.
Sam in fact was rejected, but his persistence
afforded the prospect alternatives and solutions
to facilitate the process. Successful persistence
is characterized by several techniques:
Research Based –
Each time a prospect puts
up a wall they give you the opportunity to learn
something new about their needs. Return
with a revitalized approach to demonstrate
your confidence to be the solution to their
• Value Based
– Customers purchase on price
as it is related to the value demonstrated to
them. A prospect that rejects their purchase
solely on cost has not been afforded the
value of the proposition.
• Managing Customer Expectations
Overselling products/services compromises
the integrity of the salesperson and the
• Objective focused
– Keep in mind a long-
term relationship is the ultimate goal. Mutual
respect and a positive rapport with the
customer are the ingredients to building that
• Contact Variability –
Face to face is not the
only form of persistence. In the technological
age we live in the salesperson must utilize all
opportunities of technological advances to
keep them at the forefront of the prospect’s
Once the salesperson has determined that
all avenues have been exhausted without the
prospects commitment and the relationship
has developed over time, “Pushing” to finalize
the sale is imperative. Pushing resembles
persistence in that it must always be inspired
by innovative solutions, but it always ends as
a request to finalize the sale. Sam exhausts
every alternative imaginable and each time he
“pushes” his prospect to buy.
• Objections must be met
- No one will
purchase if they have a legitimate concern
that isn’t met. This takes digging deep to
resolve their problem.
• Focus on the solution not the problem
The problem is a negative for the customer
so the solution should always be where their
focus is guided.
• Narrow the Options
– Don’t assume they will
arrive at your solution to their problem. Guide
them to the solution that you are proposing.
• Product/Service Demonstration
– Whenever
possible sampling a product or service can often
be the final closure to the sale as it was in Sam’s
You might have figured out by now that Salesman
Sam, referenced here within is the character
from the Dr. Seuss book, “Green Eggs and Ham”.
In fact Sam practiced Persistence 20 times in this
children’s book and Pushing was evidenced 11
times when he directly asked for the order. The
final strategy used was product demonstration,
which finalized the sale of Green Eggs and Ham
for Sam the Salesman. He NEVER requested
permission, only for the prospects purchase.
Sales Strategy by Dr. Seuss
Permission has no place in the Sales Process…
Persistence and Pushing ARE the Sales Process!
By The Merit Group
NOV. 2015
Business Acceleration Strategies