Let’s Go Fishing
The 3 Things You Need to Know to Catch a Big One!
This is not going to be your typical
fishing story. This article is about
fishing for a whale and not the kind
that lives in the sea. Awhale is the type
of client that can make a significant
positive impact on your bottom line.
There are only three strategies you
need to know to get a whale.
1.) You can fish in a small pond.
This means you would be using a
direct hit list to search them out
2.) You can use a wide net.
This is
place strategy and you look for them
where they hang out.
3.) You can use a wide net and
attract them to your bait.
This is
lead generation.
However, before you embark on any
of those three strategies, you first
need to define what a whale is for
you. Who, specifically, is that type of
client that will make the significant
positive impact on your business’s
bottom line and more profit in your
As you define your whale think of
all the things that type of person/
company would be like. We’ll use
a person for illustration purposes.
Create a target customer intelligence
report. Inotherwords, createapicture
of your whale. How she thinks, where
she hangs out, who she associates
with and why, what vocabulary
she uses. In more formal terms,
emotional background, current state
of mind (her opinions), etc.
I see your eyes rolling up now and
hear you saying, “You’ve got to be
kidding, all this work?” My answer is
an emphatic,
If you want to
catch a whale you cannot just take
off in a row boat with a jar of tartar
sauce and expect one to just jump in
your boat. It is work, but to me, it’s
fun work. I learned this from one of
my mentors, Dan Kennedy. Dan is
known for his effective copywriting.
His copywriting is so effective that his
sales letters consistently attract and
land whales for his clients.
The key to writing those successful
letters and scripts, according to
Dan, is his ability to get in the target
customer’s head and see what he
sees, hear what he hears and feel
like he feels. It is the strategy that
matters and that’s what you have
here –
the strategy.
One simple
place to start is with the acronym
FORM – that is Family, Occupation,
Recreation and Money.
By Jack Klemeyer
NOV. 2015
Business Acceleration Strategies