
Tribe of Five

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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tribe of 5

Before I became a business coach, I spent years accumulating information inside of my head, yet I lacked a growth plan.  I knew that there was a purpose for me but I didn’t have the confidence or the drive to take action.  Instead, I believed that “I must have all of the skills, talents, perfection, and that I shouldn’t need anyone’s help to succeed.”  Wrong!

Don’t wait another second; start right now by finding out how you can become part of a mastermind team.  In John Maxwell’s book The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John speaks of the Law of Intentionality.  Intentionally deciding to achieve your dreams will compel you to drop all the excuses and do whatever, it takes!  Musician Bruce Springsteen stated, “A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to become.”   If you want to move forward in this life I have found that the first plan to put into action is to create a powerful tribe that motivates you, and moves you to action.

You might say, “Well of course I have friends, and family to help me.”  I say you have to be more intentional than that.  Let me introduce you to what I lovingly call my “tribe of five”.  These five personifications bring to life the skillsets and motivations I need so that when I get stuck….I can get myself unstuck.

  1. The Truth Teller – sets you back on course when you want to give up.
  2. The Grand Plan Person – your strategy builder who helps you develop your goals and follow through.
  3. The Focuser – reminds you to take one step at a time and trust the process.
  4. The Connector – reminds you that you cannot do it all on your own and connects you to the people that you need to meet.
  5. The Encourager – picks you up and dusts you off and gets you back on your journey.

Pull out a piece of paper and write a name or names under each category.  Think about where you fit in to this group and how you play a role in others’ lives.  Keep this image of your tribe at hand and on your wall…..so when you get stuck….you look up!

Start now, by taking just one step courageously in the right direction. Your heart knows the goal you have in mind and will be the map that becomes your guide.  Reach out and find out how you can become part of a powerful team of results oriented individuals who are dedicated to making their life extraordinary!

Read more articles by Karen Cupp at Karen Cupp, Co-John Maxwell Certified Coach contributor archive page.


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