Soar to Success October 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article 3 Keys to Soar to Success When Soar to Success asked David what three personality traits he found in most successful people, he said: 2 1 3 Courage “80% of small businesses fail because the owner won’t do the things that make them uncomfortable. You must have the courage to do the things that you don’t want to do, the things that the unsuccessful businesspeople won’t do.” Play and have FUN “You’ve got to be someone people want to be around. So, if you are enjoying life, you must have a positive mental attitude. You are enjoying what’s coming in life. I’ll call that play and fun.” Growth Mindset “Always seeking ways to grow personally. A need to be a better person six months from now than you are today.” Mouse naming is a simple, repeatable approach for conflict resolution, tough conversations, badass leadership, more influence, thriving teams, deep connection, being truly seen, and real confidence. By naming the mice in the room, we are able to share our true feelings, thoughts and body sensations, of which the other person may have no clue, resulting in more authentic relationships. If you would like to download the worksheet, learn more about David and his book, “Mouse in the Room,” visit There’s a link in the menu at to apply for coaching with David. He does a free session first just to see if coaching is actually going to be right for you. We enjoyed our conversation with David, he gave so many more examples that we could include here, so go to YouTube or iTunes to experience the entire conversation.