Soar to Success October 2022

You know the adage, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.’ This is something that happens repeatedly in business. We get so used to a process or system that we just keep at it, even when it stops working. Truth is, it may never have worked. It might have been a bright idea of someone in leadership, so it was adopted without question. There is real value in reviewing processes, policies, and procedures on a regular basis to ensure they are all useful. If It’s Broken, Fix It By Diane Helbig If we take a look at various areas of business, we can see the value in regular review. Human Resources In our ever-changing world we are consistently confronted with new issues that can require additions or adjustments to HR policies. Social media is a prime example. Most companies struggled to figure out if, and how to implement an effective social media policy. Many waited too long and only implemented policies once an issue presented itself.