Soar to Success October 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article there is something that you have done to alienate him and tell him, or her that you would like to apologize for any past issue, if there was one. When you have identified a mouse, you can use David’s 3-D Process to further analyze the impact of that mouse on yourself and the relationship and decide what action to take. He has a free 3-D Process worksheet that can be found at The 3-D Process The first D stands for Discover. The worksheet helps you discover what is really going on. In this step we get clear on our feelings and motivations around a mouse. If someone is continuously late and it bothers you, what is really the issue? You may feel disrespected because the person, who is late does not value your time and effort. During the discover stage you also put yourself in their shoes – what might be happening for them to cause the action that triggered your mouse. Maybe they were busy and really want to meet, but just couldn’t be on time. The second D stands for Decide. In this part of the process, you decide whether this mouse is worth naming or not. Are you willing to accept the consequences of what might happen to your relationship by bringing the mouse up to the other person. Is the risk