Soar to Success October 2022

Increased revenues, more client retention, more upsells from your sales force, more qualified employees are all examples of DESIRE Mice. Another mouse is the Toleration Mouse. We fail to make our Desires a reality because we tolerate less than what we really want. The business owner TOLERATES an employee being late. He accepts less than desirable sales numbers and hires employees that are less than what he hoped for. A third mouse is the Story-telling Mouse. This mouse shows itself when we tell ourselves, and maybe the rest of the world, a story to justify, or explain, what is really happening. We’re telling ourselves stories all of the time; the problem is we think of our stories as reality. When we accept less than desirable results, do we create a story in our imagination to justify less than successful results? “Here’s an example of the Story Telling Mouse: a person you work with seems to be standoffish and does not seem to want to interact with you. You create a story that you have done something to alienate and offend that person, but you really don’t know for sure.” The best way to solve this issue is to approach the person, strike up a conversation and ask if