Soar to Success February 2019

the 5 most important tasks I needed to do to accomplish them and the support I required from management to make it happen. It was embedded in my DNA! Each plan was a living, breathing document that kept me focused and accountable. It was not something I got out, dusted off and updated for each meeting. +RZRIWHQ GR \RX SODQ \RXU EXVLQHVV GHYHORSPHQW" 'R \RX VLW GRZQZHHNO\ PRQWKO\ HYHQ \HDUO\ DQG FRPH XS ZLWK D SODQ RQ ZKDW \RX DUH JRLQJ WR EXLOG DQG KRZ \RX ZLOO EXLOG LW" Here is a Quick Tip for all you solopreneurs out there. Take some quiet time to give some serious thought to your business. Write down your goals, objectives, the tasks and support you need to accomplish them. Make sure you include timelines! Then routinely examine your progress, make any adjustments needed and keep moving forward. And remember… :KDWHYHU <RXU *RDO RU 'UHDP :( &DQ 0DNH LW +DSSHQ SOAR TO SUCCESS / %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV