Soar to Success February 2019

It’s that time of year again – the time when we resolve to do something meaningful to our success. Statistics say that resolution will last DERXW ZHHNV $QG WKHQ ZKDW" /HWèV H[SORUH how to create a plan for achieving that goal. How many times have you made a decision to GR VRPHWKLQJ LQ \RXU EXVLQHVV" <RX VWUDWHJL]H do visioning exercises, goal set. And then reality hits, life takes over and before you know it, time has passed with no, or little progress. Most people are great at setting goals but lousy at meeting them. That’s because they fail to plan a strategy to accomplish that goal. They don’t include others in the process and they don’t monitor their progress. That’s why before they know it, they’ve failed. Let’s change the outcome! Once you’ve chosen a goal you, follow these steps: 1. Embrace the impact 2. Identify the players 3. 6HW ĆUVW VWHSV 4. Monitor progress By Diane Helbig