Soar to Success February 2019

Imagine there was one thing you could do to increase your probability of success to 98.75%. :RXOG \RX GR LW" ê2I FRXUVH ë \RX VD\ Think again. Awhile back I heard Christopher Flett, Ghost CEO, speakonSuccess. He told the audience “Only 10% of US businesses plan on D \HDUO\ EDVLV RI WKDW RQO\ ZULWH down their plan and follow it. Of that 1% of all US businesses that write down a plan and follow it, their success rate is 98.75%.” Often Small Business Owners and Solo Entrepreneursgetsoengagedinthedayto dayoperations of running their business - marketing, selling, delivering and keeping their customers happy - that regular business planning falls by the wayside. One day they wake up in a place they never intended to be. Without a written business plan, it is very easy to be pulled off track by every shiny object that comes along. Early in my career I worked for a company that required a business plan be presented at every quarterly sales meeting. The template was simple. It cascaded from the overall company business plan. It included my 3 main objectives for that quarter with timelines, By Joan Washburn