Soar to Success February 2019

to catch a whale you cannot just take off in a row boat with a jar of tartar sauce and expect one to just jump in your boat. It is work, but to me, it’s fun work. I learned this from one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy. Dan is known for his effective copywriting. His copywriting is so effective that his sales letters consistently attract and land whales for his clients. The key to writing those successful letters and scripts, according to Dan, is his ability to get in the target customer’s head and see what he sees, hear what he hears and feel like he feels. It is the strategy that matters and that’s what you have here – the strategy. One last thing to remember is that whales do QRW ZDQW WR NQRZ KRZ WR GR ZKDW \RX VHOO WKH\ want to understand it and know for certain that you know how to do it. Get busy. Select the strategy that should work best for you and your type of business. Then, LPSOHPHQW LW DQG UHĆQH LW WR JHW \RX FORVHU WR catching your whale . Contact me if you need any help with this process. SOAR TO SUCCESS / %XVLQHVV $FFHOHUDWLRQ 6WUDWHJLHV