Soar to Success February 2019

This is not going to be your typical ĆVKLQJ VWRU\ 7KLV DUWLFOH LV DERXW ĆVKLQJ IRU D ZKDOH DQG QRW WKH kind that lives in the sea. A whale is the type of client that can make D VLJQLĆFDQW SRVLWLYH LPSDFW RQ your bottom line. There are only three strategies you need to know to get a whale. 1.)Fish inasmall pond. Thismeans you would be using a direct hit list to search them out individually. 2.) Use a wide net. This is a place strategy and you look for them where they hang out. 3.) Use a wide net and attract them to your bait. This is lead generation. However, before you embark on any of those three strategies, you ĆUVW QHHG WR GHĆQH ZKDW D ZKDOH LV IRU \RX :KR VSHFLĆFDOO\ LV that type of client that will make WKH VLJQLĆFDQW SRVLWLYH LPSDFW RQ your business’s bottom line and DGG PRUH SURĆW LQ \RXU SRFNHW" $V \RX GHĆQH \RXU ZKDOH WKLQN about what type of person/ company you are seeking. We’ll use a person for illustration purposes. Create a target customer intelligence report. In other words, create a picture of your whale. How she thinks, where she hangs out, who she associates with and why, and even what vocabulary she uses. Inmore formal terms, demographics, psychographics, emotional background, current state of mind (her opinions), etc. I see your eyes rolling up now and KHDU \RX VD\LQJ ê<RXèYH JRW WR EH NLGGLQJ DOO WKLV ZRUN"ë 0\ DQVZHU LV DQ HPSKDWLF ê<(6 ë ,I \RX ZDQW