Soar to Success January 2023

2020wasdefinitelyayearof changeandmarket disruption. Is the value proposition your team has been using for years still resonating with buyers today? In the audit we need to ask buyers questions like: • How is your business doing today? • Have you seen any significant changes that have impacted your business, how you are buying, or your role? • I understand you buy some products from our competitors? What do you find they do very well? • If youwere running _______(our company), what would you do to grow sales with your company? • If someone called you on the phone and asked:Whydoyoubuy from______________ what would you say? If you are calling target accounts or accounts you lost or have seen a sales decrease with I suggest asking this question as well. We would like to earn your business. If someone were to call you today and ask: Why don’t you buy from ___________ what would you say? In the December issue, I shared just how critical it is to ask great questions early in the sales process. A couple of quick rules when doing this kind of a value proposition audit: • Ask and listen, do not try to defend or sell through any issues identified. • Do not have your salespeople ask these questions. You need to hear the information firsthand or from a 3rd party research firm. (Besides, you need your team selling). • Do not do this process in a survey. Why? The most valuable part of this process is capturing the current market problems your buyers are having in their voice. A survey will not do this. By Mark Allen Roberts How Do You Know If Your Salespeople Are Using a Dated Value Proposition?