Soar to Success October 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies must form an SEO and marketing plan. SEO helps with your search result ranking. Online Sales Problems Include Cart Abandonment Shopping cart abandonment reportedly costs online retail $18 billion per year. That’s a staggering amount, and your business could be losing out. Here’s how to prevent it: • Be upfront about shipping costs long before the final checkout stage. • Use analytics software to identify your key abandonment areas. • Always be clear about the total cost of a current purchase throughout the sales process. • Use standardcheckout formswithsecure certificates such as SSL servers. Misinformed or sudden shipping costs are one of the main reasons people cancel a sale. So always be honest about shipping as early in the checkout process as possible. Cybersecurity and Hacking A significant problem with modern business is cybersecurity. Hacking affects all types of business, regardless of size and prominence. In fact, being a smaller business makes you a bigger target since hackers don’t expect a solid defense. So don’t let them win by using a solid cybersecurity plan or outsourcing. Summary Some of the most common online sales problems are easily rectified with dedication. These include beingmore communicative, reducing cart abandonment, and cybersecurity. If your team has sales problems you would like to fix, with your sales team and or online let’s schedule a call.