Soar to Success March 2022

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies 1. Build Relationships – focus on creating partnerships, build trust, share ideas to accomplish the work. A leader touches a heart, makes a connection before they ask for a hand. Gallup says it this way, “Consider new and creative partnerships across your organization that could lead to extraordinary success.” There are three questions that Chris Hogan, formerly of the Dave Ramsey Company taught me. Ask your folks: a. “How are you doing?” b. “What are you working on?” c. “Where do you need my help?” 2. Develop People – help others become more effective through strengths, expectations and coaching. Yes, that includes accountability. There is an old African Proverb that says, “If you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far, go together.” 3. Lead Change – embrace change and set your goals that align with the stated vision of your company or business. Although change comes to everyone these days, it’s important to remember, change will happen; growth is optional. Leading change gives you the opportunity to ask important questions like: How are you feeling about your job? What do you need to be successful?What kind of support would be helpful? 4. Inspire Others – encourage others through positivity, vision, confidence, challenges and especially recognition. Give timely, specific, and relevant feedback to your folks. Because of the stress and strain of the last couple of years it is even more important to recognize others and make them feel important. 5. Use Critical Thinking – gather and evaluate information to help you make smart decisions. Being in a leadership position allows you to be “in the know” of all the happenings and plans in a company. It’s important to bring your team’s questions and concerns up to the leadership team. Your people need their opinions heard. 6. Communicate Clearly – share information regularly and concisely. As John Maxwell says, “Be a river not a reservoir.” Gallup discovered through their research that… “frequent manageremployee conversations are key to employee engagement.” Communicating, really communicating is an art and needs practice. Focus on getting really good at communicating clearly, concisely and sincerely. 7. Implement Accountability – hold yourself and your team accountable and responsible for performance objectives. This one is especially true if you’re a solo-entrepreneur. Managing ourselves is our biggest management and leadership challenge. If you happen not to be in a leadership role, managing and leading yourself well is a sure way to stand out from the crowd. The fastest way to generate personal ownership in someone, yourself or your team, is to allow them to do work they love to do and naturally do well. When there’s work to be done, ask, “Who’s gifted in this? Who would jump at this opportunity?” These seven will give you a focus point for the rest of this year and the end result can only be you and your team, your company becoming even more successful.