Soar to Success March 2022

Even though the year is new, your teammay be experiencing the hang-over of the pandemic and all the surrounding strife that it has caused. This hang-over might show up as burnout, confusion, frustration and a sense of being lost. The good news, as things begin to return to a modicum of normality, it’s time to focus on what we can do to make ourselves even better. According to the Gallup organization these seven skills should be the core of your implementation focus this year and beyond. Gallup has been Seven Skills to Implement This Year By Jack Klemeyer researching the world’s top performers for at least three decades. In this extensive research they discovered these skills that are required for success in any role, any profession, in any industry from front line worker to the corner office. There are probably sophisticated ways to assess these seven skills, but you can use your common sense and apply a rule of thumb to evaluate yourself and thus becomemore successful in your role. We’ll look at these seven from the viewpoint of being a successful manger.