Soar to Success June 2022

Be bold. Do you sometimes find yourself hesitant to speak up when your opinion or perspective differs from that of others? Are there certainsituationswhere youwant to be resolute, but you acquiesce? Have an idea that you don’t follow through on because there might be some risk? Allow fear (false evidence appearing real) to get in the way. Step up and step out. Be bold. Have humility. Followers are human and so are we. One of the greatest ways to show others that it is ok that they make mistakes is to show them you do and admit them quickly and openly. From our mistakes or admitting we are wrong comes learning for us and for others. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help as hard as that can be. We expect others to ask versus fumbling or not doing something because they didn’t know how and yet sometimes, we hesitate to let them know that we too need help at times. Regardless of our position in life we can display confidence and humility, they are not mutually exclusive. If you were asked the same question what would your answer be? 3 people all nodded their heads at the other two answers and gave their own. All great characteristics of effective leadership we can learn from. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies Time for reflection on your leadership. Do you know your values? How are you doing against living them daily? Are you being bold? Displaying humility? Thank you, Mayor Pamela Bobst, Mayor Kim Thomas and Mayor Marie Gallo To learn more about our leadership training where we focus on you as a leader andpromptyoutothinkabout things like the above reach out Do you know your values?