Soar to Success May 2019

OK, the Cloud is not Vegas, but I thought this had a nice ring to it. 5HFHQWO\ PHPEHUV RI WKH &38 WHDP WUDYHOHG to Las Vegas to meet with our peer group which FRQVLVWV RI RWKHU WHFKQRORJ\ ĆUPV WKDW PHHW HDFK TXDUWHU WR VKDUH LQVLJKWV LQWR WKH ,7 PDUNHW DQG how to improve our services. This month, Las Vegas was our destination. Our meetings are made up of 15 or so RUJDQL]DWLRQV IURP DFURVV WKH 86 DQG &DQDGD (DFK TXDUWHU ZH KDYH WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR VKDUH how business is going in general, solicit feedback from our peers on what we can do better, and reach out for assistance from others who may have walked a mile or two in our shoes before. By Jeanne DeWitt What Happens In The Cloud... Stays In The Cloud! Our peer group is always enlightened after these meetings, and we go home with new ideas and strategies that bring value to local organizations and our partners. So the old saying of “What happens inVegas stays in Vegas,” doesn’t really apply here…We brought home so many great ideas, and we managed to sneak themout of Vegas without any issues at all! Everywhere in Vegas businesses are impacted by cloud technologies. Fromthe largest hotels to the smallest shopsonandoff thestrip. Business today is running on the Cloud– from CRM solutions to SRLQW RI VDOH V\VWHPV DQG (53 VROXWLRQV WKH Cloud touches every part of business today.