Soar to Success May 2019

HVWDEOLVKHG VSHFLĆF FULWHULD WKDW ĆW WKH XQLTXH needs of remote employees to help them stay focused and productive. :KHQ , WKLQN EDFN WR P\ WLPH LQ WKH ĆHOG WKLV LV what I see as pivotal: » Clarity - We all knew the company’s mission, vision and values as well as our VSHFLĆF UROH LQ WKH SODQ » Planning- :HHDFKSUHVHQWHGDTXDUWHUO\ business plan that included our revenue goal, 3 main objectives and the support we needed from the corporate team to achieve it. » Accountability - A weekly conference call was held with my manager every Friday to report my results as well as the action plan and needed support for the following week. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies But truth be told, those three things are just the basics. They support the success of every HPSOR\HH UHJDUGOHVV LI WKH\ ZRUN LQ WKH RIĆFH RU LQ WKH ĆHOG This was the thing I needed most as a remote employee – camaraderie. The company brought P\ VDOHV UHJLRQ WRJHWKHU TXDUWHUO\ DQG WKH HQWLUH ĆHOG VDOHV RUJDQL]DWLRQ WRJHWKHU DQQXDOO\ $V a result, I always felt part of a team. I had great friends all over the country and a huge store of knowledge and experience to draw from. There was always a little internal friendly competition that kept us on our toes and at the same time we shared our winning strategies generously. 3OXV WKDW WKLUG EHGURRPDV DQ RIĆFH LV D QHFHVVLW\ when you work from home. At the end of a long day it’s important to walk out, close the door and turn your attention to family and friends.