Soar to Success January 2019

Or – worse yet often we never celebrate at all! :H ĆQLVK RQH WKLQJ DQG MXVW PRYH ULJKW RQ WR the next without even taking a few minutes to sayWow! Good job! That wasn’t easy, but I did it! This is one of the major causes of Burnout. However, whenwe take some time to celebrate small victories along the way, it gives us the energy to keep going. If you are in a leadership position it is especially important for you to set the example of celebrating the small victories of your employees or members of your management team. It has been proven that this is one of the best ways to achieve employee satisfaction and increase productivity. But here’s the caveat – where many leaders miss the boat – too often they measure and celebrate ACTIVITY as opposed to results. Although focused activity leads to positive results, if it is the only thing being measured, chances are you will not see the results you are looking for. It’seasytocelebratethebigwinsandmilestones, but celebrating the small victories along the way gives us the energy andmotivation to keep going, especially when the going gets tough; to not give up when we come up against an obstacle we did not expect. Sohereismyquicktiptoremindyoutocelebrate your results along the way: at the end of each GD\ EHIRUH \RX OHDYH WKH RIĆFH ZULWH GRZQ 3 things you accomplished that day. Notice a small victory or positive result that otherwise you would have missed. This will ensure you end your day with a sense of satisfaction and IXOĆOOPHQW And you will look forward to tomorrow. SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2019 / Business Acceleration Strategies