Soar to Success January 2019

SOAR TO SUCCESS / January 2019 / Business Acceleration Strategies T here are 3 thingswe can do to accomplish our personal and professional goals with ease as opposed to a lot of struggle. Today I want to focus on the third because it is the most forgotten and the most fun! 0\ FOLHQWV RIWHQ WHOO PH WKH\ IHHO ê6WXFNë RU “Overwhelmed”. They have really big goals along with a crystal clear vision of the life they would love to live, but sometimes it just feels too hard, toomuch to ask – even of themselves. I hear you! Here are 3 things you can do to accomplish your goals with ease instead of a lot of stress and struggle - 1. Break it down into small sweet steps. 2. I have talked about this often in many different ways – Get Support! Today I want to talk with you about the one we forget and yet is the most fun and energizing – 3. CELEBRATEyour results along theway. 0RVW RI XV ZDLW XQWLO WKH MRE LV FRPSOHWH EHIRUH we celebrate. We never think to celebrate small victories. We think we don’t deserve it because we haven’t achieved that major milestone yet. ȘH &DVH IRU &HOHEUDWLQJ By Joan Washburn